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Time to check your credit report - 4/14/2023


Have you looked at your credit report lately? This is your triannual reminder to take a look.

Your credit report is a great tool to monitor what people are saying about you. Not 'people' actually, but the businesses and organizations that you are making payments to are letting the next business or organization know how reliable you are. It's important to check in and make sure that your best and truest information is out there.

There are 3 credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Each one will allow you to run a free credit report once per year (while this has changed throughout the pandemic my understanding is that it will be reverting to the once per year by the end of 2023). I recommend rotating among the 3 so that every 4 months you are checking in on your credit details.

If you ran a credit report when I sent out the December reminder, run a different credit report this time.

Annual Credit - Home Page is a legitimate site where you can run your credit reports.

In my book, MoneyMarci's Guide to Financial Literacy, I go into detail of what to do if your credit report is incorrect, so I won't review that here. Know that you do have options available if your credit report paints an unfair picture of your payment history.

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